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NOTICE The PARIS HOUSING AUTHORITY is inviting proposals from qualified vendors for VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS FOR EACH OF ITS THREE SITES LOCATED IN PARIS, TN The Housing Authority has prepared a detailed Request for Proposal package (RFP 2023-01) which may be obtained by contacting the Paris Housing Authority, Leisa Wimberley, Executive Director via email at Leisa.Wimberley@parishousing. org or calling the office of the Authority at 731-642-4451. A pre-proposal meeting will be held on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2023, at 1:00 PM CST at the Paris Housing Authority office located at 917 Minor Street, Paris, TN 38242. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to attend. All completed proposals will be received at the address above until October 20, 2023, at 4:00 pm CST.
Aug 25, 2023.
Paris Housing Authority General Jobs from Paris Post Intelligencer